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Great Minds on Learning

Nov 22, 2021

From blackboards to interactive whiteboards, learning has always made use of technology. But with the advent of computers and then the internet, learning theory entered a new phase from the late 20th Century onwards – as thinkers grappled with the challenges of designing systems and content that could help people learn online. How could making programmable robots stimulate children to learn? What was the best way to combine media for learning – and how could you teach online without distracting or overloading learners? What were the rules for creating optimal learner experiences? These were the questions our online educators asked themselves.
  • 0:00 - Intro
  • 1:07 - Introducing The Online Educators
  • 8:43 - Seymour Aubrey Papert (1928 - 2016)
  • 14:33 - Richard E. Mayer (1947 -)
  • 24:32 - Clifford Nass (1958 - 2013) & Byron Reeves
  • 35:10 Donald Norman (1935 - )
  • 44:53 - Jakob Neilsen (1957 - )
  • 58:06 - Summing up
  • Papert
  • Mayer
  • Nass & Reeves
  • Norman
  • Nielsen
Contact Donald
Twitter: @DonaldClark
Contact John Helmer
Twitter: @johnhelmer
Download the new white paper from Learning Pool written by John Helmer & Ben Betts – Suite Dreams: The Past, Present and Future of Learning Systems