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Great Minds on Learning

Sep 12, 2022

This group of theorists focused on the easily observable fact that all learners are not the same, and attempted to systematise those differences according to learner preferences. With the best of intentions (in most cases) they divided learners into discrete groups (e.g Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic) and made recommendations for how educators should treat each group. This approach has since been widely attacked in multiple studies that show there is almost no scientific basis to these theories. Nevertheless they remain popular and in common use. Donald and John explore the origins of learning styles, and the reasons for its enduring popularity as an idea. Far from being just a mass delusion, was it perhaps in some of its formulations the signs of a burgeoning - and welcome - recognition of difference among learners?
  • 0:00 – Intro
  • 1:20 - Introducing Learning Styles
  • 6:12 - Richard Bandler (1950 – )
  • 18:25 - Neil D. Fleming (1939-2022)
  • 25:22 - Dr. Rita Dunn and Dr. Kenneth Dunn
  • 34:32 - David Allen Kolb (1939 - )
  • 41:28 - Peter Honey and Professor Alan Mumford
  • 48:06 - Summing Up
  • Bandler
  • Fleming
  • Dunn & Dunn [Link TBD]
  • Honey & Mumford
  • Kolb

Contact Donald

Contact John Helmer